I’m Doing a Q and A – With A Twist!

Pretty much every blogger, at some point in their bloglife, will do a Q and A. Usually it’s towards the beginning, or when they get a certain number of followers.

NOW, after a year and 5 months (EXACTLY), it’s MY turn. Cue evil laughter and manic rubbing together of the hands.

It was actually a coincidence that I’m doing this on the 17 month anniversary of my blog (I only realised it was that five minutes before starting this post). I’m doing it because I’m a rebel who plays by no rules – AKA because I want to and not because I’m some hardcore rulebreaker. If I wanted to do it for a special occasion, I would have at a follower milestone or my blogiversary.

So, readers of my blog – ask me your questions!

Oh, wait. It’s not THAT simple. As much as I’d love for it to be that simple, I’m not like that. I’ve been blogging for so long that I feel like my first momentous Q and A (HAAAA) should be something special.

I want interesting questions. Questions can be weird, screwed up, or you can ask for advice if you want to. I’m not expecting an immense numberof questions because I’m not that popular, but the best questions – AKA the most interesting – will be answered first. What’s “interesting” is down to my personal judgement, and that might be skewed, so PLEASE don’t be offended if I don’t include your question.

After the answering of the most interesting questions are done, if you want me to, I’ll answer the others (unless I get like 3 questions).

Another twist for this Q and A is that if somebody asks me an interesting question and if they HAVEN’t commented much or at all on my blog before, I will:
1. Check you out (your BLOG)
2. Follow you (of course!)
3. Promote you on my blog. That can include you doing a guest post, or me writing a post about your blog. Now, that DOESN’t sound creepy.

It’s not a competition. Rather, it’s a way to discover new blogs. If you’re new to blogging, the same thing applies!

People who ask me very interesting questions will also get mentioned on here in the same way; it’s not just limited to one. I want to spread as much love and positivity as possible, and let all of you discover new blogs whilst you’re at it.

Let’s hope this doesn’t fail! Even if I don’t get that many questions, I’ll still be over the moon; you mean the world to me and you’re the best people I could hope to know. Any question you ask me will make me think and IS VALID.

Send in your questions and spread the word! (I sound like a TV Presenter). There’s no set deadline, but once I’ve collected enough questions, I’ll put it on this post.

Oh, and I know that 17 months isn’t exactly a huge milestone, but thankks for sticking with me!

From Elm ๐Ÿ™‚

160 thoughts on “I’m Doing a Q and A – With A Twist!

  1. Making a Q and A is great!! I’m glad you came up with the idea!! So here are my questions:
    1. What’s something you like about school?
    2. If you ever had the opportunity to name a planet, what would you name it?
    3. Have you ever thought of writing a book in the future?
    I’m so excited to read the Q and A, I’m excited to read your answers!!

  2. Hmmmm….such a cool idea! Here are my questions (forewarning, they are very random):
    – What if everyone in the world sees colors differently? Like, my blue is your red, and my red is your blue, but it stays consistent so we all think we’re looking at the same colors? Would anything change?
    – If your future child was given an ironic or meaningful name, what would it be and why?
    – Would you rather make a new friend every day for the rest of your life or be best friends with the same person and not be able to make new ones?
    – Who’s one person in all of history that’d you love to sit down and have a chat with? What would you talk about?
    – What’s the biggest way you’ve grown as a person since starting your blog?
    Ok, sorry for the long comment! Haha I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these super weird and random questions ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. If someone told you that you could have a pet unicorn AND you should chose the colour of its horn what colour would you chose? ๐Ÿ˜‰ (i don’t know if I’m to late for this!) hahaha Xx

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