I Have 3000 Followers???

I woke up this morning, on the 2 and a half-year anniversary of my blog starting, to find out I had 3000 followers.

3000 followers????!!! WHAT?! Since when, since how? After I screamed in shock for about a year, clapped my hands in delight like a child and generally partied alone in my room at 6 AM, I got on with my day in a dignified way. Totally.

I don’t understand how the fuck I’ve somehow accumulated 3000 people/aliens/robots to follow my manic, odd and slightly too-hysterical ramblings. The extra chocolate icing on the chocolate cake was that it’s my 2 and a half blogging anniversary and do I care that no one celebrates that? No, because it’s a thing now and I feel like I’ve received a statistical birthday present.

I know that the amount of followers don’t really matter but I’m sat here flabbergasted at the sheer amount of people who clicked that follow button. I mean that’s more people than are in my school, more people than I know and far more people than I can name. Also, it’s me, with my sporadic posts which are either too angsty for words or screaming about irrelevant topics. Why do people follow me again?!

These 2 and a half years have been such a rollercoaster but they’ve also been amazing and I can really contribute that to the influence my blog has on me. I feel real when I write to you; when I publish a post, it connects me to a small section of the world. Through it, I can help people, help myself and spread as much of my odd brand of positivity as I like. That includes me shouting, “YOU ARE AMAZING!” with it being backed up by some weird, philosophical realisation I have in some corner of my life. If it helps one person that’s great and if it helps 1000, that’s equally as great. If my words can reach you in some capacity, to prove to you you aren’t alone in how you feel, it makes me actually smile.

You’re all incredible. I know I haven’t been the best at replying to posts or comments recently; I’ll freely admit that. You still stick by me, supportive like not many people can be. Whoever you are, whoever’s reading this, you have seen a part of my life and you know me, in however little a way it is. If you’ve got this far, I know that in the tiniest way, you care and you take in my words. Knowing that makes me want to cry those happy little tears you get when you realise that people give a shit about you and the work you do isn’t for nothing.

I have some advice for you. Keep going, whether you have 1 follower, 100 or 10000 or none. These are your words, your thoughts and you are the one with control over them. You can change lives but firstly, you have to believe that you can keep writing and not give up. There’s so much more than numbers: there’re feelings, laughter, smiles and letting people in on however much you want them to know or that you want to share. It’s a kind of literary beauty.

Thank you. Thank you with everything I have, for making me the most myself I can be when I write; thank you for reading and listening and feeling whatever emotions you feel when you think of Elm or anything I write. Thank you for talking to me, for understanding, for being such a complex person that you write your own words and interpret what you read in a different way to everyone else.

Wow, I never would have guessed two years ago that now, I’d still be writing. I’m happy for it; I’m willing and ready to connect with my blog fully again and to make the most out of it. I know you’ll help me in whatever way you can, probably without realising. You’ve already done that for me and that means more to me than I can fathom.

I love you all so much. I have plans for the future – as we all do – and I want my blog to be part of that. I want you to be part of that, whoever you are, because through this blog I can talk to the most beautiful people. Don’t forget that a blog can be more than just a cluster of posts. It can open the world up.

Love from Elm ๐Ÿ™‚

107 thoughts on “I Have 3000 Followers???

    • OHH THANK YOU but seriously your blog is one of my all-time favourites. You keep such a positive attitude and you always make me smile – your poems are so thought-provoking and your update posts are always filled with this wonderful energy. YOU never stop writing! xx

      • Thank you!! I’ve never smiled so much ๐Ÿ˜‚ you are too kind! Honestly going to screenshot your comment for when I need motivation ๐Ÿ˜‚ I always feel like I’m the most boring person on the planet so I really appreciate that ๐Ÿ˜‚ thank you!! There is a reason people love your blog and that is because you are such a lovely person! ๐Ÿ’—

      • Thank you! And just for the record, you are the least boring person ever! โค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

  1. Congratulations ๐Ÿ™‚ Numbers don’t matter… But yes, they do a little bit, don’t they? ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice milestone! Keep up the good work !! And cheers for the next 2 1/2 years ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thank you!!! They shouldnโ€™t matter but they do a little bit to me in the sense that I get proud of myself a little when I reach a certain milestone. Ohh gosh, imagine me blogging in five years! Hopefully Iโ€™ll be able to do it XX

      • I’m sure you can!

        I too try not to check my stats too often… I try to use them to get motivated when numbers are good, and not care when they are crashing… But it is not always easy, LOL

        And believe me, when I get my 3000th reader (if it ever happens!) The whole neighbourhood will be talking about my little victory dance ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Thank you โค๏ธ youโ€™ve been such a wonderful inspiration for me through your beautiful writing! The feelings you express have made me feel more comfortable expressing my own feelings XX

    • Aaahhh thank you! Youโ€™re one of those bloggers who I really look up to because all of your posts are so well written and, to me, they are relatable and well crafted. Always keep up your writing because you have such an intelligent mind and also a lovely personality!

      • Aww thanks! This was so lovely to read! I really love reading your posts because you’re always open and honest even with difficult topics. And your writing is amazing of course xxx

  2. Three words. You. Are. Inspirational. Also. It probably helped that I was listening to Miley Cyrus’ song Malibu, which just made your post seem that much happier and brighter!

    • Awww thank you SO much, Indy! Over the last year you’ve been so supportive and lovely; you’ve been here for so much and I consider you a good friend. Always keep writing! Oh and I love that song so much xx

      • Awe. Same here. I consider you such a good friend even though we have never met in real life (and may never do so?). It doesn’t matter. You are an amazing writer and I am so thankful that we became friends.

  3. Oh my god!
    I have no words – I’m so proud and you deserve every single of these people reading every single thing you write!

    Can’t wait for the day you get 30,000 followers and I’m still here โค

  4. I’m so proud of you Elm!! You have had such a huge impact on my life even though we haven’t known each other for that long. You absolutely deserve every follower and more. I really hope your blog will continue to grow even bigger in the future and that you’ll continue to enjoy doing it too because that’s the main thing xx

  5. I’m soo proud of you!! I’ve loved reading your posts for well over a year now, and believe it or not, you are a real inspiration! You really deserve every one of those followers!! โค xx

  6. Omigod! CONGRATULATIONS LOVELY! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ YOU DESERVE IT SO SO SO MUCH! Your blogging style is simply MIND-BLOWING, ENGAGING, INTERESTING & just…AMAZING! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ Keep doing what you do, and keep being you! Don’t let anyone ever make you doubt yourself! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜

    • I BLOODY LOVE YOU THANK YOU; YOU ARE SUCH AN INSPIRATION FOR ME DO NOT FORGET THAT!!!! You are so positive and thoughtful and considerate just keep on being YOU too; your writing style is so relatable, beautiful and enthralling! xxx

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!! You totally deserve it and I’m so glad so many people have realised how lovely you are ๐Ÿ’™

  8. Yayayayayayay well done!!! You deserve it so much! Your blog is wonderful and all your posts are so genuine, no wonder so many people hit follow! keep doing your thing gal ๐Ÿ’—๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’—

  9. LOL I just found this post on a widget you have, I know it’s been a year lol but congratulations!!!!!! You deserve each and everyone of those followers and a bazillion more!!!! You’re amazing, please never stop posting on this blog!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • WHATTTT OMG this made my day!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AGHH!!!!! !!!!!! You are amazing yourself and I bloody LOVE your posts!!! โค

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